Arts and Society

Influencing the cultural conversation

Arts and Society

Influencing the cultural conversation

How parents can help children learn
Professor Garry Falloon believes learning from home during the pandemic is a chance to acknowledge that learning opportunities are not confined to a school syllabus, but are in fact all around us.
2020: A boom in babies or bust-ups?
Will our enforced COVID-19 isolation lead to record divorce rates? Or will it bring couples closer? Macquarie University relationships expert has these 10 tips for staying positive while under unusual strain.
From Tiger King to COVID-19, can't tigers catch a break?
Through a combination of isolation binge-viewing, a world-first diagnosis and wildlife trade investigations, one of Earth’s most endangered big cats is emerging as a symbol of the pandemic.
Lockdown learning: online innovation keeps Gen Z focussed
Today’s undergraduates have a very different mindset from their Millennial and Gen X predecessors, and the outbreak of COVID-19 just means some universities already have an edge when it comes to new teaching techniques.
Your at-home crash course in English literature
English Professor Louise D’Arcens recommends 10 absorbing tales to thoroughly entertain and stretch the brain muscle, too, during our time in coronavirus lockdown.
COVID-19 crisis doesn't have to be a 'war'
Thanks to humanity's love of war, reflected in our language, millions of displaced people face the pandemic with little basic healthcare or housing, writes Macquarie University linguist Annabelle Lukin.
Fighting words: how war metaphors can trigger racism
History reveals the dangers of adopting war metaphors during the coronavirus crisis, writes Professor Lucy Taksa of the Macquarie Business School.
Kindness during chaos keeps us in control
We get a buzz out of doing nice things for people. During times of chaos, kind deeds are also our way to regain a little control, says Professor Amanda Barnier.
No school: coping strategies for house-bound families
School closures can increase anxiety and isolation for parents and children. Macquarie University clinical psychologist Dr Gemma Sicouri provides some advice on how to cope.
Caring classrooms support positive NAPLAN results
Opinion: As school students in Years three, five, seven and nine prepare to sit this year's National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests, education psychology expert Dr Emma Burns examines the role of good relationships in learning success.
Review: Jane Austen's Emma
Professor of English Louise D'Arcens reviews the new film adaptation of Jane Austen's beloved comedy.
When granny flat deals go bad: legal pitfalls for the elderly
An ageing population and concerns about the quality of aged care in Australia are tipped to lead to more family care arrangements – but what looks like a win-win situation is leading to dire consequences for elderly parents, research by Macquarie University Law School‘s Teresa Somes reveals.